Weekly Recap from bodybuilding.com for last week! ABDOMINALS There is

By January 15, 2019 90 Day Challenge, News

Weekly Recap from bodybuilding.com for last week!  ABDOMINALS
There is nothing more satisfying than an extraordinary week at the gym. You did twice your average number of ab sets this week, hitting 15. 20% of your week's workouts involved your abs. Your leading lift from the week was hanging leg raise, which accounted for 10 of your 15 sets.

You were a baby Hulk with your biceps, doubling up your normal number of exercises and sets with two and 10. All 10 of your bicep sets came from hammer curls exercise. It was a good lift with an average of 30 lbs. per set.

You took it to the next level with two shoulder exercises and 10 sets, both of which are way above your weekly averages. Arnold dumbbell press was your lone shoulder lift, but you did crush the exercise, lifting an average of 15 lbs. per set. 
In just a year you've managed to go from lifting 65 lbs. per set of bent over barbell row to a whopping 95.

You did 15 ab sets this week. Compared to your three-month average, you crushed it.  The improvement in your barbell deadlift over the past six months has been awesome. You are now averaging 155 lbs. for the lift, while six months ago you were doing 135 lbs. per set.

Good job upping your game. Your performance this week was more than your three month weekly average with three quad exercises.


Weekly Recap from bodybuilding.com for last week! ABDOMINALS
There is nothing more satisfying than an extraordinary week at the gym. You did twice your average number of ab sets this week, hitting 15. 20% of your week’s workouts involved your abs. Your leading lift from the week was hanging leg raise, which accounted for 10 of your 15 sets.

You were a baby Hulk with your biceps, doubling up your normal number of exercises and sets with two and 10. All 10 of your bicep sets came from hammer curls exercise. It was a good lift with an average of 30 lbs. per set.

You took it to the next level with two shoulder exercises and 10 sets, both of which are way above your weekly averages. Arnold dumbbell press was your lone shoulder lift, but you did crush the exercise, lifting an average of 15 lbs. per set.
In just a year you’ve managed to go from lifting 65 lbs. per set of bent over barbell row to a whopping 95.

You did 15 ab sets this week. Compared to your three-month average, you crushed it. The improvement in your barbell deadlift over the past six months has been awesome. You are now averaging 155 lbs. for the lift, while six months ago you were doing 135 lbs. per set.

Good job upping your game. Your performance this week was more than your three month weekly average with three quad exercises.
